Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm still here

It's probably healthy that I've been distracted and couldn't post. I've biked more as the weather has improved. I crossed 2000 miles sometime two weeks ago (I actually paid attention to when - it was May 11th on the way home, right near the last field in Middleboro, right before the Rochester line.

I also meant to write about the amazing aroma at the corner of Burgess and the Marion Road/ Neck Road. Never would have noticed it on a car. But that was May 7th, and now its gone. Its amazing the cacophony of songs that are happening, though each day has its star: one cloudy morning last week it was wood thrush . Today it was dominated by woodpeckers drumming.

There have been break ins along the route. Pretty much the entire commute through the area (Mary's pond, Alley Road, Neck Road....all the side of Rochester I bike through) I remember thinking the area had a certain unfriendliness to it (with chains and gates in driveways), now I understand how rural it is, yet easily accessible from the more crowded areas. They need more activity, more people out, more folks biking through.

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